Multidimensional Reality
As earthly human beings, our conscious focus is normally on the third dimension. We look around and almost everything in our awareness leads us to the conclusion that there is nothing more to our reality than what we see, feel, touch, taste, or smell (ordinary reality). However, if we alter our state of consciousness, we can open our awareness beyond the third-dimension to the vastness of the worlds that actually interact with and affect our lives (non-ordinary reality). By looking at an issue on its many dimensions from Source to self, we are able to finally release it at every affected level.
Each of us has a unique vibration which is formed by our beliefs which come from the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious levels. We draw to us like-vibrations that manifest as events in our lives. Using this vibration as a magnet we may gather and collect fragments from others, our environment, or we may be taking on the energy of our own past, future, parallel, split, or even probable lifetimes. Whatever the energy, we need to identify and change our core beliefs and release the energies that those beliefs have attracted.
We must release them from the four-body system: from the physical, emotional, mental, and etheric levels. We can tune into non-ordinary reality to locate lost and traumatized parts of ourselves and to identify unknown aspects negatively affecting our lives. We possess a long evolutionary history of moving in and out of time and space with or as a shaman. To reach these states of awareness the shaman of old would induce a trance through techniques such as drumming, rattle-shaking, mind-altering substances, and chanting. Meditation, hypnosis, and knowing are some of the 21st-century approaches used to induce the altered state necessary to connect with non-ordinary reality.
Non-ordinary reality is multi-leveled, multi-faceted, and complex in comparison to ordinary reality. Ordinary reality is fraught with rules, limitations, and restrictions. Inherent in its complexity are flexibility and a wide range of possibility, two features which make it ideal for healing or changing our ordinary reality. Another key feature of non-ordinary reality is that within it time does not exist; all events are happening in the Now. Actually, this is also true of our ordinary reality but, through the ages, we have learned to make time linear to the point that we find it difficult to grasp the concept of no-time or simultaneous time.
To understand the Wombtime and Alternate Birthing approach, life between birth and death, life between death and rebirth, and the potentials for past and future life surfing, it is essential to grasp the concept that everything is happening in the present with no exceptions. Every event that has ever happened or will ever happen in this lifetime is existing at this moment. Every possible or probable event is also present and available for you to tune into. This moment, the Now, contains the fetus-you, the newborn, the infant, the adolescent, the young adult-you, the grown-up you, the adult-you, and the elderly-you. All are as alive as you in the Now, in the moment, all your pasts and futures are ripe with possibility and open to choice and change. And, just like you, their life paths weave and squeeze through a difficult probable gauntlet. The master skill is the ability to focus with impeccable clarity, then to knowingly change that focus without clarity fluctuations—reality then changes instantly and remains so until the focus diminishes. Natural skills create simple realities like daydream while highly trained and mentally disciplined natural skills result in completely different realities. With the right skill level, there is no place or time you cannot go.
This concept broadens as we spread beyond your current lifetime. All the lifetimes that you have ever “lived” or “will ever live” are being lived by you right Now. This means that the people you “have been” are just as alive as you are at this very moment, and your “future”, their “futures” are ripe with possibility, flexible, and open to change. When you change any of your lifetimes you will be acting as that lifetime’s unseen friend. However, you will have this communication advantage because you are the same soul/spirit not an outside wise and kind voice.
For those who relish this type of self-awareness, this concept goes beyond your incarnational earth lifetimes. It would include all your life experiences on other planets and stars in this universe as well as other universes. It would include all your experiences in other dimensions from the lowest or simplest to the highest and most complex—Source or Goddess, God, All That Is. All these explorations are occurring at this very moment and many are available for you to tap into if you care to reconnect. Whatever level of multidimensionality you choose to become aware of and use is your choice, and it is good.
As you become aware you will discover how complex and confusing multidimensionality is, but you will also understand that it would be quite distracting to your daily life if you didn’t have a way to tune it out. Your tuning-out device is your consciousness which allows for your single-minded focus in your third-dimensional reality. That focus is a skill learned from your physical life’s training. Obviously, it would take volumes to adequately cover a small slice of multidimensionality just like it takes volumes to attempt to understand science, medicine, or the law. Read and learn what you find time for, understand what you have interests in. Leave the rest and your feelings about what is enough out of your thoughts. Your first requirement is to live your life responsibly, grounded, and fully exploring your senses which include your being joyful, happy, and loving.
It would take a lifetime of searching and learning for an individual to understand even a small part of what multidimensionality encompasses even though most of it has nothing to do with us as we experience our present evolutionary step. I consider myself spiritually fortunate to have been able to travel to and through countless lives, worlds, and times. During my work as a multidimensional healer, I was constantly discovering new connections and possibilities about our human and spiritual existence. I miss the experiences, but not the hours it took in therapy to gather them.
My Eternal Gratitude For Lazaris, Seth, Steiner, and My Unseens