Making the Spiritual Real
Don’t cut corners in your visualizations—you must teach yourself to be there not think you are there. For instance, when focusing on a particular storm don’t just see the storm losing power and becoming a gentle shower, but be there by sensing what it would feel like to stand in a terrible storm and sense that it begins to calm, feeling the calming, sensing the quieting.
Your visualization must be felt and experienced by your body as if it is happening to you in that moment because IT IS HAPPENING—you are using your imagination to find that space and place where it is happening. Once you find it, you are there, cease the imagination and focus on your body sensations. You are attempting to consciously experience this transformation and in that way experience yourself as you actually are, a powerful being, a human being.
Visualize the focus source and feel the EME waves flowing into your transformation cone and flow down to gently enter your body. Feel that energy fuse with your intent, the vibration of your intent, and the vibration of the transformed energy coming together creating a standing wave of energy, scalar in power. Send those scalar waves of energized intent out from you, back into the weakening storm. Feel them leaving. Let your visualization be energized by the transformed energy and see, feel, and experience the storm transforming into a gentle rain shower that nourishes the land instead of shocking and destroying it.
My Eternal Gratitude For Lazaris, Seth, Steiner, and My Unseens