Scalar Wave Thought Forms
Scalar wave thought forms are consciously intended physical creations. They are erected or created using one’s physical and etheric senses as a singularly focused unit. It is sensing what is desired or intended to manifest with all five physical senses, two bridging senses, and five inner senses.
Imagination – Use this bridging sense to imagine feeling being present within a real world which is comfortable with the intended form.
Balance – Use this inner bridging sense to balance the soul and spirit, feminine and masculine.
Feminine – magnetism – bonding, cooperation, and working together.
Masculine – electrical – action, manifestation, and force.
Vision – Using holographic visualization see the outside, inside, right, left, up, and down of an object.
Smell – Breathing in a scent to sense inside and outside of it and you.
Taste – Sensing the taste as something that becomes you, a part of the cooperative whole.
Hearing – Listing to its vibration and sensing your entire body entraining or resonating with the sensed vibration.
Tactile Sensing – Sensing the feeling of that which you focus on, feeling the inside and outside of the object.
Sensing the emotions that you would feel if the outcome that you desire or choose to manifest was present in your life.
Sensing the thoughts, beliefs, and mental images that you would experience through your mental body if the outcome that you desire or choose to manifest were present in your life.