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12 Steps to Becoming a 21st Century Shaman

  1. Awaken to your individual spirituality: Begin by recognizing your unique spiritual path and how it connects you to the broader universe.
  2. Undergo a life-altering experience: A profound event or shift in your life opens the door to a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.
  3. Die to the old: Release old beliefs, thought patterns, addictions, and habits that no longer serve you, making space for new growth.
  4. Learn to manifest physical reality: Align your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies to consciously manifest your desired reality.
  5. Navigate the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious minds: Master the ability to explore and harmonize these three layers of your awareness.
  6. Explore inner, outer, and other worlds: Open yourself to experiences beyond the physical realm, including the spiritual and metaphysical dimensions.
  7. Explore genetic ancestry to clear limitations: Examine your ancestral lineage to uncover and release any inherited limitations that may hinder your growth.
  8. Develop allies in unseen worlds: Build relationships with spiritual guides, counselors, teachers, spirit animals, plants, and minerals that support you on your journey.
  9. Give voice to spiritual ancestry: Connect with and honor your spiritual ancestors, giving them a voice in your life.
  10. Forge new paths: Use your imagination, creativity, and intuition to create new ways of being and understanding.
  11. Bring the non-ordinary into the ordinary: Consciously integrate your experiences in the non-ordinary reality with your day-to-day life, bridging the gap between the two worlds.
  12. Become an illuminated one: As you progress, you embody the wisdom and light of a shaman, becoming a beacon for others on their path.