What is Electromagnetic Energy
Electromagnetic energy (EME) is one of the primary ways energy is equitably distributed to all things in physical creation that have a temperature above absolute zero. Some view EME as Divine energy, down-stepped to the physical level—God as the creative force that permeates and fills all space. Others see EME as measurable, predictable energy that powers the physical world. Both perspectives are valid, but understanding EME’s power and potential destructiveness can help you empower yourself and contribute to solving many of the challenges facing humanity during this critical evolutionary juncture.
Electromagnetic Waves: The Energy That Powers the Universe
Electromagnetic waves, or radiation, carry the energy that runs the universe. When these waves are absorbed by an object, they release energy. According to the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, this system supplies everything in the universe with the energy it needs to function.
However, human beings often have too little EME to sustain their bodies efficiently. While natural events like wars and social upheavals transform vast amounts of EME into destructive potential energy, this energy tends to pool in certain places on Earth or be absorbed by the planet itself. The Earth has no natural way of releasing human-created EME, so it discharges it through extreme weather events such as storms, which often appear damaging or furious from our perspective.
Harnessing EME for Personal and Global Healing
Humanity is still learning to become conscious of its spiritual self and connection to the Divine, however that is defined—whether as God, Goddess, or All That Is. Our purpose on Earth is to evolve spiritually while enjoying life and growing into ourselves. The itch we all feel—the sense that there’s something more to life—points to a deeper spiritual truth. Learning to work with EME is one path toward personal and spiritual growth.
There is enough energy available for every person, but we’ve been taught to limit our energy intake. We divert EME toward our physical illnesses, emotional blocks, and limiting beliefs, which restrict the proper flow of energy throughout our bodies. Beliefs such as “I’m not good enough” or feelings of hopelessness, as well as physical sensations of stress, limit the intake and distribution of energy. While the Earth struggles to release excess EME through storms and upheavals, humans often starve their bodies and minds of this abundant and accessible energy.
Too Much or Too Little EME: A Delicate Balance
Excessive EME contributes to natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes, which unleash enormous amounts of energy. These events add to the pool of EME, which the Earth absorbs and later releases in even more extreme forms. Similarly, human-created strife, like wars and social unrest, generates EME, which, if not redirected, also gets absorbed by the Earth.
So, what can you, as an individual, do about this? More than you might think. You can absorb vast amounts of EME and, using your will and intent, transform that energy into health, strong emotions, and clear thoughts. EME is a fourth-dimensional phenomenon that can be observed and felt when absorbed by a three-dimensional body. When absorbed with conscious intent, EME can manifest as a standing wave of energy, which can be used to create whatever you need in your life.
However, it is important to use wisdom in how you harness EME—create only what you can currently handle, but don’t be afraid to perform miracles that elevate you to a new level of dominion over your environment and relationships.
EME as a Source of Creation
EME is the energy that transmits information and light to a receiver. The receiver—whether it’s a person or object—can transform that energy into whatever they intend, within the limits of their beliefs, feelings, and physical sensations.
So how can you become a receiver and absorber of EME, and how can you transform it into what you need in your life? Here are some techniques to help you get started:
Visualize and Absorb EME: A Quick Start
- Think of a storm in your area or one you’ve heard about in the news.
- Whether you’re sitting, walking, or lying down, visualize the storm as a giant generator of electromagnetic energy radiating waves. You may see the waves as colored, black and white, or simply feel them—whatever works for you.
- Using your will, imagine those waves gently entering the top of your head and flowing into your body.
- Sense the energy filling your head with clear, focused light, then flowing into your heart, lungs, and every cell of your body, sparking healing and calmness.
- Visualize absorbing the energy of the storm until it no longer radiates, and the storm has dissipated.
Advanced Visualization: Energy Transformation Cone
- Visualize a tall, weightless cone above your head, with the small end just above your crown and the larger end open, facing upward.
- Concentrate on a source of EME—call it the Electromagnetic Energy Pick of the Day (EMPOD)—and visualize it radiating energy waves.
- Will the waves into the top of your cone, transforming the chaotic, destructive energy into healing and revitalizing energy.
- Feel the energy flow down from the cone into your body, filling your head, face, and neck with healing energy.
- Let it travel through your chest, arms, and torso, healing and rejuvenating your entire body.
- Visualize the EMPOD shrinking as you absorb its energy, feeling the waves flow through every part of your being, down to your feet.
Intent and Creation
As you absorb EME, focus on what you want to create. Hold that focus while pulling the waves into your body. Begin to experience your visualization by feeling what it would be like if you already had what you desire. Notice the sensations in your body—whether it’s lightness, tension, relaxation, or peace. Notice your emotions and thoughts. The more you can engage your senses, emotions, and mind, the more you will be able to manifest through the transformation of EME.
By practicing these techniques, you can harness the power of electromagnetic energy to heal, empower, and transform yourself and the world around you.
My Eternal Gratitude For Lazaris, Seth, and Steiner, and My Unseens