The Metaphysics of Politics

Metaphysical Politics

Metaphysical Politics

Physicists are beginning to acknowledge what metaphysicians have long known—life is an illusion. By extension, politics is also an illusion, malleable and influenceable by dark, light, and in-between forces.

As a mental construct, politics is the process of forming consensual relationships through debate, compromise, and agreement. Its impact on the lives of physical beings can range from negligible to profound. As an art form, politics can be graceful and compassionate, or it can be rigid and uncompromising.

In the present moment—the Now, the point of power—politics serves as a snapshot of where humanity and individuals stand on the evolutionary continuum, indicating the path ahead. There are three potential outcomes: enlightenment, mediocrity, or nightmare.

Politics is also a predictor of the future, both in the short and long term. The thicker the chaos in the atmosphere, the harder it is to make accurate predictions, political or otherwise. However, predictions become more accurate when viewed through a metaphysical lens, which considers evolutionary expectations, soul development, and personal growth, rather than focusing solely on physical actions.

The politics of today are vastly different from those of a decade ago. The creeping chaos that has gradually infiltrated the political arena has altered not only how politicians view their roles, but also how everyone else sees and acts within their own. The negative influences we now observe have always been present, though previously veiled in less prominent roles.

One of the greatest gifts politics can offer to a consciously evolving being is the gift of self-awareness. It’s almost impossible to engage with politics—whether through conversation, media, or even thought—without experiencing emotion. What you feel, how you feel it, and where you feel it in your body can serve as a key to breaking the cycle of perpetual reincarnation. As the term “enlightenment” implies: fix what is broken and return Home. In truth, you are already home and nothing is broken, but there is still much that needs fixing—and politics can be one path to get there.

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My Eternal Gratitude For Lazaris, Seth, and Steiner, and My Unseens