Political Thought Manifestation

Thought Forms and Politics

Thought Form Suffocation

This article uses The Curse of the Chippendales as an example to illustrate how thought-forms can affect individuals who receive excessive attention—whether positive or negative. No one is exempt from the influence of others’ thought-forms. At our current level of human evolution, some thought-form attachments may not be noticeable due to natural, unconscious defenses that prevent them from deeply affecting our organs and bodies. However, no one is truly safe when the weight of others’ thought-forms overwhelms the astral and mental bodies’ ability to combat their resonant intent.

Politicians, in particular, are increasingly the targets of negative thought-forms filled with emotions such as hate, fear, and anger. Many politicians begin their careers with good intentions but become suffocated by these negative resonances, which can border on evil by the time their careers end.

Thought-forms are insidious, physical entities, though they are not curses. What happened to the Chippendales also happened to cocktail waitresses, showgirls, politicians, corporate executives, and musicians. They suffer from thought-form suffocation—a phenomenon where the energy of others’ thoughts becomes overwhelming.

Thought-forms are invisible to the eye, inaudible to the ear, sticky to the touch, and so light that when they hit a person, they aren’t consciously perceived. Despite their subtlety, thought-forms pose significant dangers, three of which stand out:

  1. They carry intent that is rarely beneficial to the target, whether good or bad.
  2. Thought-forms are etheric-guided missiles that never miss their mark.
  3. They accumulate over time and fester.

Upon impact, thought-forms stick to their target, drawing energy from both their creator and the target. This connection lasts until the thought-form is shed by the target or recalled by its creator—though creators are usually unaware of the energy they have sent out. This ignorance allows the thought-forms to persist, drawing energy from both parties and causing harm.

Pretty people, politicians, celebrities, athletes, and anyone with a large following can suffer from this phenomenon. Thought-form suffocation leads to exhaustion, psychosis, nervous breakdowns, physical illness, and confusion. It also results in irrational and unpredictable behavior, ruining careers and lives.

The effects of thought-form suffocation are often mistaken for occupational burnout, with people failing to recognize the real cause of their suffering. Releasing this suffocating energy is essential for maintaining health and balance.

Understanding and Releasing Thought-Forms

Thought-forms are born from intense emotions like desire, lust, jealousy, envy, hate, anger, and even mistaken feelings of love. They stick to and accumulate on the parts of the body that correspond to the thoughts sent. Therapists, doctors, coaches, and teachers are particularly susceptible due to the nature of their work.

The first step to relieving yourself of thought-forms is awareness—not belief. Knowledge is your primary defense. It’s important to acknowledge the countless thought-forms you’ve sent to others and begin the process of calling them back. The second step is recognizing your own accumulation of thought-forms. Lastly, using visualization and meditation techniques can help you release thought-forms attached to you.

Attractive, talented, wealthy, or high-profile individuals are likely covered in thought-forms and must learn to cut the attached energy off their bodies. This also involves calling back the thought-forms they’ve sent out. If you are critical of yourself and others, this constant barrage of thought-forms will drain your energy. By retrieving these thought-forms, you reclaim your energy and release the burden.

Techniques for Releasing Thought-Forms

Freeing yourself from thought-forms requires focus, meditation, and the assistance of natural elements like water or wind. Begin with closed-eye meditation until you feel comfortable enough to meditate with your eyes open. Focus on your breathing, followed by your heartbeat. As your body relaxes, you’ll begin to feel the pulsation of your heartbeat throughout your body and eventually outside of it.

This pulsation represents your astral body, and by standing in the wind or a warm shower, you allow these elements to wash over your astral self. As you visualize the wind or water removing the sticky thought-forms from your body, you’ll start to release their energy.

However, releasing thought-forms is a gradual process. The older you are or the more public your presence, the more patient you must be. Thought-forms you have sent out also need to be recalled. With practice, you can use visualization meditation to cut resistant thought-forms attached to you or others, imagining a blade cutting the threads that connect them.

Thought-Form Recall

Recalling the thought-forms you’ve sent is an act of self-awareness. Start by reflecting on your day—who did you see, what judgments did you make, and what emotions did you feel? All these are thought-forms that need to be retrieved. By calling them back, you regain your energy.

Some thought-forms may be more resistant and will require visualization to cut the threads that connect them. Using your imagination, visualize a spinning blade or another tool that can sever these connections, allowing you to reclaim your energy.

More meditations and techniques will be posted in the future.

Note: The Chippendales were a popular all-male dance troupe in the 1980s, known for their performances that drew intense sexual thought-form energy from women and men. Some members were later involved in criminal activities, including murder.

Note 2: Pronouns “she” and “her” are used in this article for ease of writing and to acknowledge that women are often more frequent victims of thought-forms.