Spirit Entities

They’re Not Just Out On Halloween!

Spirit entities are more common than you might think. In fact, it’s likely that some of these entities linger around your aura. If they’re absent, you’re among a rare few! Entities—whether due to sudden or traumatic death, illness, drug use, confusion, or fear of judgment—sometimes choose to remain earthbound after death. And it doesn’t take much to invite one into your space; even mild irritation or a passing mood of sadness can create the resonance they seek.

For those exploring metaphysical realms, it’s essential to balance skepticism with a healthy awareness of that very skepticism.

Many people dismiss the existence of entities or attachment, yet fear them all the same. Traditional healing modalities don’t recognize spirit entities directly, although they do treat physical symptoms that, from a metaphysical view, can signal deeper issues. To metaphysicians, these physical manifestations indicate unresolved thoughts and emotions “leaking” into our reality. Our belief systems often drive those suffering from attachments to exhaust every conventional healing option before seeking alternative solutions to remove these “parasites.”

Most entities are attracted to people dealing with similar emotional issues, albeit often from different dimensions or levels of consciousness. All entities drain energy, weighing down their hosts psychically. They subtly influence their host’s mood, thoughts, desires, and relationships, sometimes even fostering possessiveness and jealousy, sabotaging connections with others.

Entities can attach to all levels of the body. Physical attachments may cause pain or illness; emotional attachments often result in depression or anxiety; mental attachments can cloud memory and judgment; and spiritual attachments may foster a sense of separation from God, Goddess, or All That Is.

At a deep level, every entity longs to return to the light, to reconnect with its source. However, many lack the trust to take that step. Once trust is established, guiding an entity toward the light becomes far easier, allowing it to depart with all its burdens. And when an entity leaves your aura, what remains? You’re left with space—space that can be filled with love, balance, your own preferences and boundaries, and most importantly, your authentic sense of self. If you haven’t been feeling quite like “yourself” lately, maybe you haven’t been!

Copyright © 2023 Multidimensional Publishing LLC.

My Eternal Gratitude For Lazaris, Seth, and Steiner, and My Unseens