The Human Evolutionary Stream
Service-to-Self, Service-to-Other, and Mediocre Beings
As diverse as the billions of incarnated humans are on this planet it seems frivolous to separate them into only three distinct, different, and service-oriented evolutionary groups—service-to-self, service-to-other, and mediocre beings.
Evolution is the unfolding of All That Is and the human evolutionary stream is undergoing a resonance change which is resulting in a separation of the three groups because they are becoming incompatible with one another. This separation will not unfold instantly, is impossible to comprehend, and will require being born into one of the three worlds the present world is separating into. Every soul/spirit’s next incarnation will reveal how we have conducted ourselves since we were created.
It is important to understand what service means to these three human evolutionary groups. Service is not servitude, it is what you think, what you do, and what you say about yourself and others. It is what you feel about yourself, your relationships, and your version of Goddess/God All That Is. Service is a multidimensional action reflected in your aura, the veil of your soul.
Every moment you are either servicing yourself or servicing others. A service-to-other action could be as simple as being pleasant to another, opening a door for someone, or giving another the right of way when it is not required. A service-to-other emotion is empathy for someone in need, having compassion for a stray animal, or loving another. A service-to-other thought is as easy as visualizing a more peaceful world, meditating on tranquility, or hypnogogicly exploring probable realities.
Each group has its weaknesses. Service-to-other beings must guard against their propensity to give too much which depletes them and limits their ability to help anyone, especially themselves. One action all service-to-other beings must not indulge in is judgment. From a spiritual perspective, service-to-other beings are not yet able to understand why another being does what he or she does. Any judgments, especially whether someone is a service-to-self, a service-to-other, or a mediocre being cannot be made with any certainty, and if made can hinder the evolution of the judged and the judger.
Horrible and unforgivable acts have been committed by incarnated service-to-other beings for spiritual reasons. They usually have help and encouragement from higher beings empowered to guide human evolution. One biblical example was Judas who by acting as Jesus’ traitor helped to create the emotional drama used by those who chose to evolve through human-created shame and greed. The worst of such segues was the third and last Atlantean destruction that ended the last evolutionary epoch and started the present one.
When families, tribes, communities, countries, or world populations must change but refuse to allow it, the higher beings have to take it upon themselves to intervene tweaking reality to keep evolution on track. They often use the fury of nature, wars, disease, and death to do this. Those who experience such changes are often thrown off their life’s purpose. This does not go unrewarded because it is the ultimate sacrifice of the service-to-other beings. The resonance of this selfless volunteering sets the standard, not the number experiencing these changes. In this way, a single unknown soul is capable of changing the world.
The service-to-self beings care only for themselves. When it comes to family, they say they are very loving, but what they call love is the self-intoxication of possession. Their version of compassion and charity are the feelings they experience from the praise they receive or believe they deserve. The higher emotions of love and compassion are as dangerous to them and their evolutionary aspirations as the lower emotions of hate and anger are to the service-to-other beings. The higher emotions balance thinking and doing. The higher the emotions a service-to-self experiences, the more karma they acquire. Their karma is created if they feel higher emotions such as empathy, compassion, and love for anyone or thing other than themselves. Their weaknesses center around the fact that they have spent their last incarnations melded within human physical/mineral bodies which were wired and built to house the balanced energy of soul and spirit. Balance warps their evolutionary preferences of spirit domination of soul.
Every living mineral, plant, animal, and human being presently inhabiting the earth is following an evolutionary path. These paths are organizing flows of energy that follow strands of the Creator’s intent. These paths are vast plains of common purpose where countless numbers of beings agree and contract to experience a common and usually fragile environment or space for various lengths of time. They interact, learn, and evolve through the constant act of adding experience to Self. Every moment you are awake you are evolving, every moment you are alive adds to your evolution, every moment you are anywhere, in any form, any astralogy you are adding to yourself and your evolution. Astralogy in its simplest form is your astral personality, attitude, and habits.
Evolutionary paths weave in and out of one another merging, separating, rejoining, or starting a new entire path. The mediocre group consists of beings who split because they reject the fast pace and chaos of the other two groups. These beings have chosen to evolve along a third path presently being created by their combined astralogies. They lack a violent nature, abhor competition, and are hopelessly addicted to their safety, security, and comfort while finding solace in mediocrity and numbness. They live and work to be entertained and gratified. As they leave to create their new world the service-to-others will mourn their loss while the service-to-self beings mourn because they will no longer be able to take advantage of the mediocre beings’ weaker wills. Every being in all the human evolutionary streams will complete their journeys, but some choose to take their time.
Service-to-other beings have lived many physical lives on both the mineral and etheric levels learning to develop dominion over the realms whose resonances emit emotions and thoughts. The experiences gained have focused on developing spiritual balance, honing physical skills, and learning to take care of Self while at the same time giving equally to others. At the present level of evolution, service-to-other beings are becoming consciously aware and reaching a balance of between forty-eight to fifty-two percent of servicing oneself with the balance going to servicing others. The small percentage difference, one way or the other, depends on one’s Soul/Spirit intentions, Soul/Spirit personal life goals, and the dreams of one’s angels and unseens.
Service-to-other beings alive today are the bravest and hardiest of the service-to-other souls/spirits because they chose to incarnate in this most monumental time. Never before and never again will the world around us be so complicated and wonderful. Past worlds and times offered limitations, restrictions, and sameness while the future offers diversities that can only be imagined, yet in the future, the increased population and social focus on others will reduce an individual’s ability to witness the soul and spirit diversity available today.
As human beings, our ability to gather the information the world around us offers is restricted because of our faulty memory and the limited range of our physical senses. Our Soul/Spirit, however, is a vacuum that absorbs personal, local, world, and out-of-world events, thoughts, and feelings which are retained into the world between death and rebirth as soul/spirit knowledge and wisdom. Those who have not experienced an incarnation in the past century or so have access to this information, but their awareness of this most monumental of time is like looking at a video as opposed to writing, directing, acting, and producing the video.
Change has never been so prevalent and complicated. The amount of information available and required to live is increasing exponentially daily. There has never been a time when human beings have been so free to be aware of themselves and their position in the world. Desires, hopes, and dreams have never been so free to experience and express. Basic needs are now met for more people than ever before while travel has never been so efficient and available for so many. Never have so many had such comprehensive exposure to the countless number of souls and spirits, the elements, plants, animals, and other people. We are surrounded both physically and through video and audio by people of every race, country of origin, and religious belief. We are introduced to more cultures, feelings, thoughts, choices, and decisions in this lifetime than in all our past lifetimes combined including those we will live in our future lives.
Those who have spent lifetimes purposely servicing themselves more than others, who used others for their gain, and who have little if any empathy follows the path of the service-to-self beings. These beings believe creating their reality gives them the authority to control, manipulate, and overpower everything and everybody. They honor the mind and consider emotions to be weaknesses. They do not understand that feeling without thought leads to chaos and thought without feeling leads to annihilation. Spirit at its most dense physical form is manifested as thinking.
Service-to-others seek to balance thought and feeling through their evolutionary processes of trial and error, self-designed karma, and planned incarnations. The service-to-self beings focus on thought. They reject any emotion and deny any feeling on their way in their mind to become a god. Becoming a god is not enough; even becoming THE God is not enough. They believe that they are becoming a creator who can out-create Goddess/God All There Is. They are under the impression that they can create through power and control better than Goddess/God can through love. This is a king-of-the-mountain belief and even though no one has ever become a god through self-serving all service-to-self beings keep trying. Their goals are to focus on or serve themselves at least ninety-five to ninety-nine percent of their time and effort.
Service-to-self beings are not goddess-less or no-god beings, although they and the mediocre beings either claim to be nonbelievers or blindly believe in someone else’s god. Goddess/God created All That Is which included all human beings. This presupposes that there is a spark of the Creator in everyone. Even if the connection is denied, the spark cannot be smothered. The service-to-other beings spend their total beingness searching for this spark. A service-to-self being interprets their sparks as inner vindication that she or he is THE only goddess or god. No matter which path one chooses or whom one identifies with the spark remains in the eye of Goddess/God as she looks at Herself without prejudice or judgment. The mediocre beings are as numb to their spark as they are to their life.
Each incarnated service-to-other being is living for their own very important reasons. Soul does not choose death easily. She chooses death only when a life has completed its accomplishment. Soul returns home when a short life of a moment or a long life into the hundreds of years has accomplished all it came to do. When life is fulfilled, Soul starts to look for its next adventure. As long as life has breath there is an unfilled purpose that is still possible to complete. Once a life stops contributing to the fulfillment of its purpose, the Soul cuts its life energy. An aware consciousness can override Soul; it is up to each of us to become as conscious of ourselves as we can and to be as aware of how we create our reality as we are able if we desire dominion over anything in this life. Better health, longer life, and more fruitful social, financial, and personal relationships are the results of becoming aware of being conscious.
For service-to-other beings to become aware of being conscious we must remember the skills and abilities we stored within ourselves before our conception. If forgotten traumas and dramas of pre-conception, conception, and birth are causing problems in our lives they must be remembered. Our childhood traumas should be healed as much as possible and if not they must be identified so after our death they are able to be healed. We must examine our emotions honestly and learn to follow the negative controlling ones to their origins. Only by going to the root of the problem can you, by using your thoughts, feelings, and will, deactivate its control over your present.
Becoming aware of being conscious, traveling into the past and future to solve many of your lingering problems, and learning to relax your emotions and calm your mind sounds complex, painfully difficult, and downright hopeless, but they are not impossible tasks. If you think your life is filled to the brim and that there is no way you can insert more, you are right, however, becoming aware of your being conscious does not add anything to your life since you already create your reality, albeit sub- and unconsciously. Paying attention to how you create both sub- and unconsciously will guide you to becoming conscious of your process, your techniques, and the methods that you presently use to create what you have and what you are. You move in and out of time and space when you sleep and daydream and you are constantly aware on a sub- and unconscious level of everything, everyone, and every intent around you at all times. Paying attention to what you do, what you say, and what you think is all that you could ever require of yourself. We are multidimensional beings; we should start acting, feeling, and thinking that way.
Becoming aware of who and what you are in the Now is like waking up from a daydream. Sometimes when you return to reality what you see is not pleasant. If you are like all the other service-to-other beings, you judge yourself, you compare yourself to others, and you do not always feel secure. These are not just thoughts, feelings, and body sensations, these and many others are paths to your true self. Paying attention to your present will lead you to see yourself honestly and your reality realistically. It means paying attention to the way you are living your life. Being aware means noticing every word you speak, everything you see, every sound you hear, every sense your body senses, and every smell you experience. Awareness does not take extra time because its only requirement is paying attention. If you are hounded by negative emotions, follow them, confront them, and solve them. They are not to be ashamed of and hidden away but released. Your body is designed to experience emotions as they flow through it. It is ill-equipped to hold on to them. These are goals that will seldom be reached. The important thing is to try, to accomplish as much as possible because the attempt to reach them now will activate your having them in your next incarnation.
We are creators, camouflaged in mineral/physical bodies of our making in an illusion that we helped to create and continue to maintain. At present, we have to focus thoroughly on our bodies and their relationships with the environment to survive life’s gauntlet and return home to the Soul and Spirit worlds with knowledge. There is, however, more that can be done. Service-to-other beings have chosen the path that leads to the awareness of how we create our reality while learning how to balance our needs and desires with those of others. To feel compassion and empathy for your creations is unique among soul/spirit beings.
Service-to-self beings are also creators, but their path confuses actual creation with force and violence. They delude themselves into thinking they create their reality when they are just following in the footsteps of those who went before them. Realities cannot be created without considering others. This is a fundamental principle service-to-self beings are unable to grasp. Their evolutionary path leads to a dead end at the seventh dimension since they are allowed to go no further into the spiritual realms because they refuse to take anyone or anything into consideration but themselves. Their evolution will eventually focus on a belief that they created themselves in a world that they also created. They walk a path that eventually leads to oblivion by eventually being devolved to their original sparks and as such being reintroduced into the evolutionary stream to begin anew.
It is evident that the service-to-self beings, service-to-other beings, and mediocre beings were created equally by Goddess/God, but each evolutionary group has its own path to follow. Goddess/God experiences her creations through each of our experiences. In the future, these paths will separate vibrationally, each in its own direction and toward the completion of its purposes. The chaos of our times is loosening the tethers that have bound the three groups. Each group will evolve, and each member of the group will contribute by also personally evolving. Those who choose to contribute to the evolution of a group are becoming aware that they are conscious simply by paying attention to what they think, feel, and do. They then change what needs to change within themselves and in so doing they change the world.
My Eternal Gratitude For Lazaris, Seth, Steiner, and My Unseens