Finding a Particular Time and Space
To locate a specific time and space where an event occurred, you need a connection between “There” and “Now.” This connection could be a thought, an image, a feeling, or a body sensation. While following thoughts tends to keep you in your mind, following emotions or body sensations guides you into your feelings. It is through feelings that you can best bridge the gap between Here and There, Then and Now. As you explore your multidimensional self, you will learn to differentiate between your various sensing bodies, minds, and parts.
Your physical body in the present may feel fear or terror in every cell, while your etheric body experiences these emotions in every etheric particle, and your emotional body, or astral body, feels fear and terror in every astral particle. Your mental body, or causal body, experiences thoughts of fear in every etheric particle. Your etheric body interprets the sensations of your physical body, and your astral body feels these sensations as emotions. Your mental body processes all of this. No matter what happens in the present, it is felt somewhere in one of your bodies. Similarly, any event from the past or future is also experienced and felt by one of your bodies. You, in the present, are connected to parts of yourself in the past and future, all of which are intertwined.
In the Now, your body perceives the present moment through three different layers: the physical/mineral body, which experiences pain and pleasure; the etheric body, which creates and interprets these experiences; and the emotional/astral body, which processes and reflects the feelings attached to them. Your mental body processes the meaning behind these experiences. The physical and etheric bodies remain connected throughout your life, while your emotional and mental bodies sometimes leave your physical body when you sleep, returning upon waking.
As humans adapt to the third-dimensional world, they often become so attached to their physical bodies that they identify with them entirely, mistaking the physical world for ultimate reality and dismissing spiritual reality as an illusion. This identification blinds us to our true interrelationship with all beings and events across time. It also obscures the connections between current events and those from childhood, womb-time, or even past lives. It can be difficult to grasp that a present event may be energized by something from a past life, or that a future life could influence your current reality.
If you’ve been searching for answers, consider reflecting on what resonates with you. What times, cultures, or spiritual practices draw you in? What parts of history or certain activities feel familiar or intriguing? As you think about these, images and feelings will arise in your consciousness. Pay attention to your body’s reactions, your emotions, and the sensations that accompany these reflections. Once you’ve contemplated these as much as you can, shift your focus from thinking to feeling.
Now that you’ve thought all you can, let your mind rest and focus on your emotions and body sensations. Your mind, though tired from contemplation, remains present, observing and asking questions that narrow your focus on your feelings. As you do this, your sense of your body may change, and you may begin to experience sensations from other times and spaces. While your physical body remains calm and relaxed, your consciousness may perceive another body—a more subtle one. This could be taller, shorter, heavier, or lighter than your current physical body.
As you focus on this subtle body, it will become clearer. You may even feel like you are walking, sitting, or lying down in this other body, sensing details like clothing, hair, or even the texture of objects around you. The more you tune into these sensations, the more you connect with this body, and at that moment, you are consciously present in both your current physical body and another body in a different time and space. You are experiencing two realities simultaneously.
By consciously feeling into this subtle body, you can connect with your past or future self. Recognize whether the body is of the same or different gender, and feel into its movements and sensations. As you experience this, you are in two places at once, experiencing two realities through the same consciousness.
Understanding this connection allows you to heal that past or future self, which in turn heals your present self. When you heal across time, you release the emotions—fear, terror, or other unresolved feelings—that have been carried across lifetimes, including in your present incarnation.
As you differentiate your feelings and heal your subtle bodies, you will become more aware of your inner senses. This process brings greater consciousness, allowing you to distinguish between your subconscious, unconscious, and multidimensional aspects. These inner senses are ones you may have lost during your journey from conception to adulthood. If you can remember using them during your childhood, those memories can resurface. If not, know that those memories are still there, though your adult self may struggle to process them.
As children, we experienced the world purely through emotions and feelings, without the structured thought we develop later. Over time, as we learned to control these emotions to fit societal norms, we lost some of our connection to soul. But the more conscious we become, the more we remember our divine, soulful self. As we reconnect with that self, we gain greater awareness and consciousness.