Teacher of the Dead
John Brown was a simple man with a mind that transcended simplicity. He could see other worlds, move through time and space, and observe events from both past and future. Despite his extraordinary abilities, he lived a quiet, uneventful life.
John kept a diary, though it was more a collection of scribbled notes on napkins, torn book pages, and scraps of paper. He told anyone who would listen that this “diary” contained memories from a life he had experienced before choosing simplicity. Each page held a snapshot or story from his travels, but he rarely spoke of the wisdom he gained or the emotions he felt. His notes hinted at his experiences and included instructions on how anyone could learn to be a walker between worlds, what he called an Angelic Shaman of the 21st Century.
When he attempted to publish his diary, publishers dismissed it as fiction—a blow he couldn’t accept. Frustrated, John would sit in the park, eyes closed, basking in the sun’s warmth, visualizing his frustration dissipating with every breath. During one such meditation, he felt a profound heaviness lifting from his body, never to return.
From that moment, he no longer felt the urge to share his story. He found peace in the private act of reading his diary to himself, night after night. Those who knew him gossiped about his supposed descent into madness, attributing it to his disappointment over the rejection of his work. John heard the whispers but remained silent, undeterred by others’ judgments.
For many years, John’s voice filled his shadowy room as he read aloud from his diary, knowing that only the dead could hear him. By day, he observed a subtle change in the young—newborns and children repeating his words, meditating in ways he had described, and expressing his thoughts as if they were their own. Unseen to others, John became aware of how his words were taking root in the world, subtly influencing a new generation.
Unknown to most, John’s voice reached far beyond the physical. Each night, hundreds of unseen beings gathered to listen to him read. These beings, awaiting rebirth, observed how John’s thoughts, emotions, and sensations interacted with his physical, etheric, astral, and mental bodies. They studied how he wrestled with his inner demons, learning from his example.
The unseens who came to listen to John were preparing for reincarnation. Observing his interactions with his physical form and inner struggles, they gained insights into human experience. In turn, they began to design their future bodies and DNA with new understanding—preparing to live with hearts open but without the vulnerabilities of John’s time.
John Brown was, indeed, a simple man with an extraordinary mind—a teacher of the dead.