The Adventurer – The 21st Century Shaman

The traditional shaman is often visualized as a wise elder adorned in feathers and leather, beating a drum, or as a healer grinding herbs by an open fire. These images capture the belief that shamans hold abilities bridging the physical and nonphysical worlds. Their rituals gathered power; their closeness to Earth grounded them, and their actions shaped a belief system of spiritual warriors. These impressions are accurate, as the shamans of old reflected the world and resources available to them.

Shamans of the past were the craftsmen and craftswomen of their age. Today, they exist as tradespeople, doctors, lawyers, parents, healers, barbers, preachers, and more. Though the environment has changed drastically, human potential remains constant; the same capacities reside within us.

Where the shamans of old fought sickness and spirits from lower realms, today’s shamans—modern adventurers—face demons from the emotional and mental realms. Without physical weapons, they draw on their awareness as Souls and Spirits to resolve personal traumas and achieve wisdom that can be shared to aid humanity. These 21st Century Shamans rework ancient tools, applying them to modern relationships, careers, and daily life.

The contemporary shaman builds a connection with the physical world as deep as past shamans’ bond with Mother Earth. Everything—mineral, plant, and animal—possesses a soul and spirit. Humans, uniquely, house both Soul and Spirit within physical form, while the soul of an animal, plant, or mineral resides outside its physicality. With this understanding, we realize that everything around us lives in its own way and deserves respect. Humankind was created to guard the Earth and all her inhabitants, and we are beginning to awaken to this purpose. However, we still have a long journey ahead.

In this age of information overload, today’s shamans—adventurers—must bridge physical and nonphysical worlds by developing new skills to access and navigate the vast streams of information. While the worlds visited may differ from those of traditional shamans, the journey remains familiar.

The adventurers are optimistic, knowing they are laying the groundwork for the future. They ask questions for which there are yet no answers, embracing the unknown with enthusiasm. They know that they are creating the pathways for what is yet to come.

Copyright © 2023 Multidimensional Publishing LLC.

My Eternal Gratitude For Lazaris, Seth, and Steiner, and My Unseens