I am a lifetime metaphysician, a second-generation

multidimensional healer, international teacher, and lecturer.

I am presently on a writing sabbatical in New Mexico, USA.

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The Author’s Intent

Much of what is written here may not be provable through physical science. In fact, for most of us, much of this knowledge has only recently begun to trickle into our awareness. With this growing awareness, each of us is becoming capable of understanding the reasons we incarnated and the purposes we chose to fulfill in this lifetime. These purposes are like personal commitments—chores we promised ourselves we would accomplish once we became conscious enough to remember who we truly are. We can also become aware that, collectively, humanity shares certain universal goals. One of the most important of these is to rekindle our individual spiritual light while we still possess life energy.

That single act is the most important achievement any of us can strive for. This lifetime is the most monumental one we have ever lived or will ever live. For millennia, throughout our countless lifetimes—both past and future—we have stored memories to be recalled and treasures to be rediscovered.

Long ago, we perfected abilities and skills that were packed away in the depths of our Soul, to be resurrected when needed in a future lifetime.In a long-forgotten era, when we were more spiritual than physical, we knew that a time would come—this time—when we would require these perfected abilities and skills for our most significant lifetime. Now, in this present moment, these abilities are awakening as we become more conscious. Through our intent, the information and light stored within us will be revived, and we will rediscover our inner power and the skills necessary to apply it in our lives.

This website is dedicated to all of us who know, deep down, that we have something valuable to offer ourselves and humanity—though we may not yet fully understand how to bring it forth. Each of us holds a key to unlock the memories and abilities within. That key is often found in the difficulties and challenges we face in our everyday lives. Discovering this key, and opening ourselves up to our true self, is a task we agreed to undertake during this lifetime. While some may be more committed to this goal than others, everyone is internally driven to accomplish as much as possible with the tools and skills they have developed and stored, waiting to be rediscovered.

You may find some of your answers here.


Edward Rice

A Bit About My Journey

More Information


My Personal Thoughts

The Author’s Intent


AI – Q & A

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My Eternal Gratitude For Lazaris, Seth, and Steiner, and My Unseens