More Information
This website has been altered to better reflect my present focus which is to explain my work instead of attempting to expand my work. There are now eight categories, the first four discuss pre-conception to and through the world between death and rebirth. There will be overlap when discussing any one subject but in general Wombtime and Inner Child deals with pre-conception through young adulthood, 21st-Century-Shaman covers ages twenty-one to sixty, and AgeHealing looks at a person’s final years.
Edward Rice, Edward Rice Books (Multidimensional Publishing LLC, and Edward’s book Angels and Your Other Unseen Friends cover the author.
Journey Into Self is a compilation of Edward’s understanding of the human evolutionary stream that he gathered during his life as a metaphysician and metaphysical healer.
Political Metaphysics discusses the news from Edward’s metaphysical understanding. He believes that politics is a window into the future, physically, metaphysically, and spiritually.
EME Force or Electromagnetic Energy is a working project that allows individuals to participate in the healing of Mother Earth, the maturation of her inhabitants, and avenues that may lead to the pathways that lead to healing oneself. It will be some time before I will be able to correct, organize, and download the information I wrote years ago on this subject but I will focus on this in the near future.
My Eternal Gratitude For Lazaris, Seth, and Steiner, and My Unseens