A Bit Of My Journey

We are all multidimensional beings existing on multi-levels at once, even though most of us are not aware of it. When we attempt to work on an emotional issue on the normal conscious level, we do nothing to resolve the issue on the many levels that it actually exists and affects us. As earthly human beings, our conscious focus is normally on the third dimension. We look around and almost everything in our awareness leads us to the conclusion that there is nothing more to our reality than what we see, feel, touch, taste, or smell. These five senses are what is normally considered ordinary reality.

However, if we alter our state of consciousness, we can open our awareness beyond the third dimension to the vastness of the worlds that actually interact with and affect our lives. Anything beyond the third-dimensional density is considered non-ordinary reality. By looking at an issue on its many dimensions from Source to self, we are able to finally release it at every affected level.

From the comfort of my office armchair, I have been blessed with innumerable opportunities to psychically travel with clients through their subconscious and unconscious minds to explore emotions, core beliefs, and deep memory banks which have opened into phantasmagoric worlds and realms sometimes hard to explain. Often these adventures have been more exciting than an Indiana Jones movie and at other times the discoveries are so mundane they open awareness to unexpected realities. In the process, we enlisted the help of multidimensional life forms such as angels, guides, counselors, and teachers. We have released astral entities and active thought forms and in the doing, we have found answers to many of mankind’s oldest questions which we used to heal and balance both of us.

My transformative work was based on the central concept that we create our own personal realities and that the world that surrounds us is a reflection of who we are. Much to our confusion and frustration, however, our reality creation is rarely the result of our conscious minds and conscious choices. Because our realities are also largely generated from our unconscious and subconscious minds (beyond our everyday awareness) our reality creation seems to be separate from us and out of our control. However, if we make the effort to become conscious of what we normally ignore, we can learn how to create realities with more positive futures. , our subconscious and unconscious levels

What is it that is generating our lives outside of our awareness?

It is our beliefs, particularly our strongest or core beliefs which reside in the unconscious and subconscious minds. If we pay attention to our everyday emotions, we can learn to ride the threads of their feeling sense into the subconscious and unconscious minds to uncover our core beliefs. It is our many multi-level beliefs that combine to form the unique vibration of who we are individually. Our personal resonance then draws to us like vibrations that manifest as the events around us. In this process, we also attract multidimensional energy forms that exist within our energy fields as entity attachments, thought forms, trapped energy patterns, soul fragments, etc. which affect our daily lives even though we may be oblivious to their existence.

If we can locate our core beliefs, we can change them and, as a result, our resonance of who we are and what we attract will also change. We can enlist the assistance of a number of multidimensional beings including multi-aspects of Self. Through altered states of consciousness, we can connect to non-ordinary reality and access our High Self, Soul, Spirit, Inner Child, Past/Future Lives as well as Parallel Selves. Working in multidimensions and multi-realities is a shamanic approach to healing our lives and creating the realities we desire.

During the twentieth century, a transition took place in the shamanistic tradition. The skills and abilities of the shaman were integrated into the new-age innovations. What the shaman of old accomplished and how it was done has been duplicated and improved on by many practitioners and healers in the last century. The warriors of old along with their warrior ways slowly gave way to the adventurer of the present.

The shaman’s tools and concepts of old opened the doors to non-ordinary reality which the adventurer, the modern human being, must walk into while at the same time being present in ordinary reality. The tools and concepts of the shaman are necessary for everyone to use to navigate through this complex and chaotic world where it is more common for everyone in a certain skill set to have the same education and similar backgrounds. The 21st Century Shaman’s skills will increase one’s opportunities and personal awarenesses elevating them above those who desire other paths.

A warrior shaman walks between worlds via a trance state while the adventurer walks the same paths while remaining in a deeply relaxed but fully aware state at all times. In the process of learning to fully understand Self the adventurer becomes their own guide by following their feelings and emotions to their past and future. They become better at healing themselves when they understand their inner power and abilities. Once the skills are recognized and claimed the goal to transform, transmute, and ultimately, transcend translates into experiencing life from a higher state of being, that of the adventurer.

As I approached the end of my career, I began to notice people becoming self-empowered as they became aware of their unique multidimensionality. Their progress was directly connected to their awareness of some of the concepts pertaining to the shaman’s tools. Such awareness leads to the understanding and mastery of many of the ideas, hopes, and dreams below.

Understand and release blocks caused by: Cellular imprints, negative emotions and thought forms, significant personal events, energy interference

Open to creativity, prosperity, psychic abilities, innate talents

Explore and heal emotional causes of disease–improve health

Find and release lost fragments of self-soul retrievals

Improve relationships–work, family, romantic

Understand/integrate past life lessons

Connect to spiritual guides/high self

End psychic and entity attachments

Release inner child/parental issues

Reduce stress/Find inner peace

Discover life purpose

Copyright © 2023 Multidimensional Publishing LLC.

My Eternal Gratitude For Lazaris, Seth, and Steiner, and My Unseens