Maturation begins at conception and culminates around the age of twenty-one, referring to physical growth and development. During this time, most of us learn how to walk, talk, and form healthy relationships. However, the period before conception must also be considered when examining the first twenty-one years of life.
The decision to begin life is made by the Soul; no external force—be it religion, belief, or human intervention—can dictate this choice. The Soul has a window of time to commit to the developing fetus or infant, beginning at conception and lasting up to seventy-two hours after birth. If the Soul chooses not to commit, the fetus or infant’s body will die, and the Soul will either attempt reentry through conception or seek another prechosen mother as a second option.
Soul and Spirit engage in pre-conception planning, where agreements are made with other Soul/Spirit beings regarding their roles as parents, siblings, friends, lovers, and even adversaries. During this time, life contingencies are negotiated, and life purposes are designed. As Soul and Spirit, we create our lives to allow our developing consciousness to choose the paths that will lead from conception to our goals and purposes. Through these choices, we eventually learn responsibility as we experience the consequences of our actions.
Maturation can be understood in twenty-one-year cycles, with the first cycle comprising three seven-year sub-cycles. WombTime represents the period from conception to birth. The first sub-cycle includes birth, infanthood, and early childhood, while adolescence occurs in the second sub-cycle. The third sub-cycle represents young adulthood, ending around age twenty-one.
Most of the trauma and emotional challenges that grown-ups and some adults carry stem from events during WombTime and the first seven years—pre-logic and pre-reasoning years.
This facet of the website focuses primarily on the time from pre-conception through the first seven years, but in time, additional information about the second and third sub-cycles of maturation will be added for further support.
My Eternal Gratitude For Lazaris, Seth, and Steiner, and My Unseens