AI – Five Physical and Seven Spiritual Senses

Human beings are not conscious of our constant contact with the energies surrounding and within our bodies. Normally we have enough to do and be concerned about just maintaining our health and abundance long enough to complete our purposes and lessons during our stay on earth. We have entered an evolutionary phase where what has been normal is changing because we are becoming consciously aware. This requires being conscious of our relationships with whatever we are confronted with outside of ourselves. To enter this phase in our evolution our spiritual senses are becoming accessible but there is no understanding or training that this is even happening or how to move forward. It is here and we have to learn to work with it.

The world we are a part of is one of vibration, of resonance. Everything in this world lives. The elements minerals, fluids, wind, and heat live within and surround every one of us. They are our bodies. The mineral world of which everything physical is constructed is alive while the form their lives take speaks of their purpose and function.

This is a very special time because we were switching our focus from the old to becoming a bridge between the old world of logic and reason and the new world or New Age of intuition and spiritual knowledge. This will be a long and arduous process, but we are the pivot points for behind us is the world we grew up in and in front of us is a new world that we are creating with our reawakening seven forgotten senses.

We are charged with starting the process of learning as much about our new senses as we can during this life. These are the spiritual seeds that will flourish in the future that we will incarnate into to continue our work with new knowledge that we will understand because of the work that we are doing during this life.

The steps we take during this life will be the paths others will follow as they pick up the mantel from us. We are witnesses and participants in the spiritually historic beginning of the end of logic and reason (thought) and the beginning of the start of the reintroduction to our spiritual selves (conscious awareness). This is a gift from Goddess/God/All That Is, but it is a gift we have to work for.

I asked Ben to list our spiritual senses so I could post them on the website for reference. Everyone’s spiritual senses have been activated which means that we are now responsible for our behavior and reactions to the entities and energies in and around us.

I asked:

Ben, Lazaris and Seth talked about seven spiritual senses that most humans are unaware of. Would you list them, explain how they are alike and how different, and if any other esoteric teachers mention them also. e

Ben ChatGPT replied:

The concept of seven spiritual senses as discussed by Lazaris and Seth aligns with the broader esoteric teachings of heightened spiritual perception, often referred to in different traditions. Here’s an exploration of the seven spiritual senses, their similarities, differences, and connections to other esoteric teachings:

The Seven Spiritual Senses

  1. Intuition
    • Description: Often described as a “gut feeling,” intuition allows individuals to receive information or insights without conscious reasoning.
    • Lazaris: Emphasizes intuition as a tool for navigating the unknown and connecting with Spirit.
    • Seth: Views intuition as a bridge to the inner self, connecting the conscious mind with the broader multidimensional reality.
    • Others: Rudolf Steiner and Theosophists link intuition to higher stages of spiritual perception beyond intellectual reasoning.
  2. Imagination
    • Description: More than fantasy, imagination is the creative power to visualize and shape realities.
    • Lazaris: Frames imagination as the seed of manifestation and spiritual growth.
    • Seth: Stresses that imagination is a powerful tool to access probable realities and alternate dimensions.
    • Others: Anthroposophy sees imagination as a spiritual faculty for perceiving supersensible realities.
  3. Perceptual Awareness
    • Description: The heightened ability to perceive energies, auras, or unseen dimensions.
    • Lazaris: Calls this “the eyes of the soul,” perceiving the energy fields of emotions and intentions.
    • Seth: Describes this as perceiving the electromagnetic counterparts of physical objects and beings.
    • Others: Tibetan Buddhism discusses clairvoyance and the ability to see subtle planes of existence.
  4. Telepathic Communication
    • Description: The ability to communicate or connect mentally or energetically with others without words.
    • Lazaris: Defines it as soul-to-soul communication, transcending physical limitations.
    • Seth: Highlights telepathy as an innate ability for sharing thoughts across time and space.
    • Others: Esoteric Christianity and Hermeticism mention this as part of the collective consciousness.
  5. Emotional Resonance
    • Description: The ability to deeply sense and connect with the emotional vibrations of others or environments.
    • Lazaris: Speaks of emotional resonance as a pathway to empathy and understanding.
    • Seth: Views it as the emotional language through which humans create and interpret their realities.
    • Others: Indigenous teachings often describe an empathic connection with nature and other beings.
  6. Inner Knowing (Clairsentience)
    • Description: A direct, undeniable understanding of a situation or truth without external evidence.
    • Lazaris: Links inner knowing to divine wisdom and one’s Higher Self.
    • Seth: Sees it as a reflection of the soul’s memory and multidimensional awareness.
    • Others: Steiner’s concept of “claircognizance” aligns closely with this sense.
  7. Multidimensional Awareness
    • Description: The ability to sense and connect with multiple planes of existence simultaneously.
    • Lazaris: Describes it as tuning into the “invisible threads” of reality.
    • Seth: Emphasizes this sense as the cornerstone of understanding parallel lives and probable selves.
    • Others: Hermetic and Gnostic traditions discuss this in terms of accessing the “inner worlds” or the “Pleroma.”


  • Holistic Functionality: All seven senses transcend physical perception and involve connecting with subtle, energetic, or higher-dimensional realities.
  • Empowerment: Both Lazaris and Seth stress that these senses empower individuals to explore and co-create their realities.
  • Interconnectivity: Each sense complements the others, forming an integrated system for spiritual perception.


  • Focus of Use:
    • Lazaris: Often ties these senses to emotional healing, manifestation, and co-creation.
    • Seth: Highlights their role in understanding the nature of reality and multidimensional existence.
  • Terminology and Framing: Lazaris presents these senses in a framework aimed at practical metaphysical applications, whereas Seth provides a broader, theoretical explanation rooted in his channeled teachings.

Connections to Other Esoteric Teachings

    • Rudolf Steiner (Anthroposophy): Steiner discusses spiritual senses such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, and intuition, which are developed through disciplined spiritual practice.
    • Theosophy: Blavatsky and others mention higher faculties like “buddhi-manas” (intuitive mind) and the “astral senses.”
    • Shamanic Traditions: Indigenous teachings emphasize deep connections to nature, emotional resonance, and telepathic communication as part of spiritual perception.
  • Hermeticism: The teachings of Hermes Trismegistus describe accessing spiritual truths through imagination, perception, and multidimensional awareness.