Inner Child – PM – Male – 15 Minutes
Make yourself very comfortable and allow your body to start to relax.
Allow your body to let down let go.
And feel the feeling sense as your body starting to relax.
At the very bottoms of your feet, the palms of your hands.
Are starting to allow all the tension, all the tightness of today and yesterday.
And even tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, and tomorrow.
To flow out, out of your body and away.
And feel the feeling sense of your body starting to relax,
as all the tension, all the tightness, all the heaviness, or lightness starts to flow, down, down, down, down through your legs and away.
Down, down, down, down through your arms, and out your fingertips themselves.
And as you sense your arms and legs, relaxing feel the feeling sense across your shoulders.
Feel the back of your neck, feel your throat beginning to relax.
And sense all the tightness, all the heaviness, all the responsibility, and duties flowing down, down, down, and away.
Notice the feeling sense of the muscles around your rib gauge relaxing down down deeper.
Solar plexus, stomach muscles, hips relaxing, down, down, down.
All the tension, all the tightness, all the heaviness, all the lightness slows down, down, down, down, down, and away.
And you go deeper, deeper, deeper feeling the relaxation flowing into your throat, the back of your neck, the sides of your neck.
Feeling the relaxation flowing into your jaw, into your teeth.
Into your chin and lips, cheeks, nose, eyes, forehead, top of head.
Feel the relaxation flowing into your ears, your temples as you relax, down, down, down deep, deeper, and deeper still, and deeper still.
Noticing your body relaxing as your breathing starts to slow down, heartbeat starts to slow down.
Your body now is starting to take care of itself.
As you relax the unseens around you, help you begin the healing process as you relax, begin to heal your body.
As you let down, as you let go, your breathing slows down to a healthy pace.
Your heartbeat relaxes, so it can heal.
Going deeper, going deeper, going deeper, going deeper, deeper, deeper.
Thinking back and feel your body relaxing, and feel your body relaxing.
With every breath, with every heartbeat, and as it relaxes, it becomes healthier.
It becomes stronger.
But as you feel the body relaxing allow your mind to go back in time.
Remember a bedroom, a place were you as a child used to sleep.
Feel your body so relaxed, so calm.
Feel the feeling sense of the safety around you, the safety that is around you.
Feel the feeling sense of safety around you as your body starts to sink into a very deep, deep, deep sleep.
As your body sinks into a very deep, deep, deep, deep sleep, but listening to every sound, hearing my voice.
Finding yourself, in the bedroom.
So long ago.
Standing next to the place that you slept, as a child.
Feel yourself there standing, standing with your feet on the floor.
Feel the floor.
Soft, hard, carpet, wood.
What’s under your feet?
Look at the child sleeping. Is the child afraid?
Is the child sleeping deeply? Look at the child, look at the child, look at the child.
Look at the child.
He is you, you are him.
And stand next to the bed, and very quietly, look around.
Remember the room, remember the windows, remember the ceilings.
Remember the walls, the color.
What was hanging on the wall?
Remember the ceiling, the color, the design.
What is the room made of?
Feel yourself standing there and let your memory unfold as much as it can.
But feel the child, feel the child, and touch the child.
Gently, lovingly, touch the child, and tell the child that you are his future self.
Tell him that you have come to be with him tonight, if he would like you to.
And tell him you’d like to sleep with him tonight, just be with him.
And tell him that you would like to feel safe with him tonight.
And sense your body next to his, your child.
And sense yourself as that child, with your future self’s body next to yours.
Safe, quiet, warm, protected.
Feel him, feel him, as he goes very deeply asleep, as you go very deeply asleep.
Safe, quiet, warm, protected.
Feel him, feel him, as he goes very deeply asleep, as you go very deeply asleep.
Feel him, feel him, as he goes very deeply asleep. Safe, quiet, warm, protected.
As you go very deeply asleep. (1:56)
(Voice diminishes almost to subliminal levels to induce deeper sleep)
Feel him, feel him, as he goes very deeply asleep, as you go very deeply asleep.
As you go very deeply asleep so deeply asleep.
To sleep so deeply tonight.
To sleep so deeply tonight. To sleep so deeply tonight, down, down, deeper.